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Resilience and Adaptation to Drylands
Identifying past water management practices for drought-resistant crops

14 abr 20203 Min. de lectura
3…2…1…let’s start with the stable isotope analyses
Four weeks have passed since my last day in the office…and even more since my last lab work, how I miss those days! I have started to...
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23 mar 20201 Min. de lectura
Working during COVID lockdown....and dreaming of fieldwork!
We are privileged workers. We have always known it. We travel around the globe, we do research, we investigate, we meet cool people. Yet,...
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10 sept 20196 Min. de lectura
The adventures of an ethnoarchaeologist in Ethiopia
May 13th, 7 p.m. We finally got there. After one of the shortest 20 hours trips of my life we finally got to Adigrat. Yes, I know… Where...
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27 ago 20192 Min. de lectura
New project publications
While on holidays (yes, we all got to enjoy nice off-time with families during August! ;-) the research did not stop completely and, as a...
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18 abr 20191 Min. de lectura
We are hiring!
So, you know when you look at the PEOPLE page and you see that one missing picture right at the center of the page? We are looking to...
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19 mar 20193 Min. de lectura
Plant growing experiments at ICRISAT
It has been two months since I arrived at ICRISAT. In less than one day I realised that this is a calm and green paradise inside India,...
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10 oct 20184 Min. de lectura
The role of archaeology today (as I see it)
Disclaimer: this entry is a very personal reflection on how I think archaeology is too often presented to the public, both general as...
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11 jul 20181 Min. de lectura
First contact with Botswana’s southern drylands: A possible spin-off?
Although RAINDROPS has its own well-established three case studies, one of use has made a discreet foray into South African archaeology...
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8 jun 20182 Min. de lectura
RAINDROPS' seed published!
Yesterday the latest issue of PAGES magazine, a journal published by the Past Global Change Initiative, came out. The issue, edited by...
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4 abr 20182 Min. de lectura
Return to the Past! Back to Sindh (Pakistan) after 20 years
In the late 80s and early 90s, when I was still a youngish PhD student, I went for the first time to Sindh to work with the Italian...
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26 mar 20183 Min. de lectura
There are so many things to do and fix after coming back from fieldwork that it has taken some time to write this blog entry. However,...
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22 feb 20182 Min. de lectura
First fieldwork in Sindh: checking potential locations for ethnoarchaeology and isotopes transects
The main aim of this first fieldwork is very much to organise future fieldworks. The targets of this trip are mainly two. On the one hand...
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15 feb 20183 Min. de lectura
We are going to Pakistan
Next week I am going to Pakistan for the first project's fieldwork. Actually, it's three projects' fieldwork combined: RAINDROPS (keep...
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10 ene 20181 Min. de lectura
Archaeology day at UPF
Yesterday has been a very busy day. The Archaeology day at UPF was a blast. I have never seen so many different - yet very related-...
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13 dic 20172 Min. de lectura
Let's start! One-day conference on Multidisciplinary Archaeology
The first RAINDROPS event will be to co-host a one-day conference on Trends in Multidisciplinary Archaeology. This conference is part of...
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6 dic 20172 Min. de lectura
Behind the curtains (after I got the project). Part III: getting the project ready to start.
Once the selection process is over, you receive several communications from the ERC. First you get the results of the external experts...
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29 nov 20175 Min. de lectura
Behind the curtains (or how I got the project). Part II: the interview.
Five months after submission (almost to the date) you get a communication through the participants portal. Subject: Initial information...
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22 nov 20173 Min. de lectura
Behind the curtains (or how I got the project). Part I: the application.
I like the idea of starting the NEWS section of RAINDROPS' s webpage with something that it is not technically a new story. But I believe...
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