Resilience and Adaptation to Drylands
Identifying past water management practices for drought-resistant crops

Carla Lancelotti
I'm an archaeobotanist and quantitative archaeologist with a deep interest in human occupation of drylands.
I specialise in phytoliths and charcoal analyses, approached through quantitative methods, and combined with modelling.
See my profiles in ResearchGate and GoogleScholar.
Marco Madella
Marco pioneered phytolith studies and the use of these micro-fossils in prehistoric water management. He is ICREA Research Professor and the director of CaSEs research group .
Vincent Vadez
Vincent is a plant scientist at IRD in Montpellier and former theme leader of System analysis for climate smart agriculture innovation at ICRISAT.
Girolamo Fiorentino
Girolamo is professor of Bioarchaeology and Archaeobotany at the Department of Cultural Heritage (University of Salento) and one of the world experts in isotopic analyses of archaeobotanical material.
Alessandra Varalli
Alesssandra is an archaeologist specialised in stable isotope studies on both human and plant remains. See her profile on GoogleScholar and ResearchGate.
Stefano Biagetti
Stefano is an ethnoarchaeologist with a PhD from UCL and extensive experience on agro-pastoral systems in the Sahara. See his profiles in ResearchGate and GoogleScholar
Francesca D'Agostini
Francesca is working on the experimental part of the project. She is a biologist with a master in archaeobotany and obtained her PhD in History and Biology in 2022.
Abel Ruiz-Giralt
Abel is responsible for the Ethiopian case study which is the core of his doctoral research. Abel is an anthropologist and archaeologist with experience on charcoal and phytoliths analyses.
Monika Jovanović
Monika is a doctoral candidate working on the material from the Sudanese case study, focusing on the microbotanical remains from grinding stones.
Carolina Jiménez-Arteaga
Carolina is working for her doctoral research, on archaeobotanical material from Sindh, Pakistan. She is also looking at charred macro-remains from Al Khiday, which will be analysed as part of the project.
Oscar Parque Pérez
Oscar is a doctoral candidate working on animal remains from Sindh, Pakistan. His data are essential for comparing with archaeobotanical data to understand the natural isotopic signature of the local plants.
Núria García Tuset
Núria has a BA in Archaeology and a MA in Archaeobotany with experience in phytolith analysis. She has joined the group as Laboratory technician after a break to raise 3 beautiful kids.

Marta Perelló Cuadras
Marta is a great help in organising the hiring process, the travelling, the logistic for in-house workshops /conferences, to keep records of the project documentation, and to monitor project finances.